Returns a tibble of all the rules for an account. Rules are applied to mentions as they are received by BrandsEye.

rules(x, .show.progress)

# S3 method for brandseyer2.account
rules(x, .show.progress = interactive())

# S3 method for list
rules(x, .show.progress = interactive())

# S3 method for data.frame
rules(x, .show.progress = interactive())

# S3 method for character
rules(x, .show.progress = interactive())



An object to read logs from.


A logical indicating whether to show a progress bar or not. By default, this only shows a progress bar in interactive environments. Also, progress bars will only be shown if 5 or more accounts are being examined.


A tibble of rule information,.


Rules can be read from various different kinds of object. An account() object is the most basic, although rules can also be read from a list of account objects (in which case the returned tibble will include an account code column), or from a tibble containing an account code column, such as that returned by account_list().

Methods (by class)

  • brandseyer2.account: For an account() object.

  • list: For a list of account objects.

  • data.frame: For a data.frame that contains an account column of account codes.

  • character: For a character vector


if (FALSE) { account("TEST01AA") %>% rules() # Expand the macro section of the tibble to easily # see how rules effect mentions account("TEST01AA") %>% rules() %>% tidyr::unnest_legacy() } if (FALSE) { account("TEST01AA", "TEST02AA") %>% rules() } if (FALSE) { account_list() %>% rules() } if (FALSE) { rules("TEST01AA") rules(c("TEST01AA", "TEST02AA")) }